Thursday, November 29, 2007

The Naked Dream

Have you ever had that dream where you're standing in line at the grocery store and notice that you're totally naked? Or maybe your in class. Or maybe your getting on a plane. You get the point. Then in the dream you have this moment of realize that you forgot to put your clothes on. How do you forget to put your clothes on? Who knows, it's a dream. Then you're desperately trying to cover yourself up, at least all the important areas. But it's already too late, you've been exposed this whole time. I think this dream defines one of our greatest fears...being exposed, your life undressed.
If every man were to wear the sins of their past on their sleeve, which man could judge. None. I being one of those men, know the hurt of their own mistakes. I found out yesterday that somebody knew something about me that I thought was long gone...poor decisions that I made almost 7 years ago. I feel like the man in the dream. I'm trying to cover up, but it's too late, I've been exposed this whole time. My friend and I talked for a while with honesty. His response was something like this, "thank you for sharing your life with me, thank you for showing me a part of your soul." Do you know how good that not be judged and only showered with love? It's like giving warm clothes and a blanket to the guy who just realizes he's been exposed this whole time.

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