Sunday, January 6, 2008

Not a big one, just a simple reminder one

A couple of months back I had a conversation with a friend of mine about onePlace. Kurt is a guy I have a lot of respect for and was a pretty influential person in our community. He had even lead a small group at one point where he wrote the entire curriculum. But during this conversation he had mentioned how he had decided to make another church his home church. The main reason is because its a church that a couple of his mentors go to. I made sure to tell him that I totally understand...its nothing personal. After I hung up the phone I found myself being a little jealous. Jealous of the freedom to come and go without the responsibility of putting anything together, to learn and not teach, to sit in one seat and not have to move around. Don't get me wrong, I love my job. I love meeting new people, I love to worship, I love connecting, I absolutely love our community. It doesn't happen very often but every once in a while I just want to sit at home and watch The Amazing Race...or something of the sort. But being in ministry, I've forfeited that right. Don't get me wrong, I've taken Sunday's off, just never when I'm in town. So tonight I was going through the motions like every other Sunday. Set up the sound, set up stations, talk to kev about service, make fun of Israel, etc. The service started it's usual 20 minutes late. (which never bothers me, but it kind of did tonight...crazy, what does that mean?) Israel started into his third worship song when I had a moment. Not a big one, just a simple reminder one. The first verse of the song goes like this.
We are here, Because of grace, Because of love
We are here, Because of You, Because of You
Ah yes, the most beautiful and simple of reminders, being in ministry is not because it's always pleasing and rewarding. I'm in this because I found something amazing...and it's impossible for me to turn away from. I may have forfeited my rights, but it's because of grace and because of love. I pray that never changes.


Ashley Owlita said...

Mark! I love your blog- glad that I have gotten to know you thru the likes of Kevo & Nole...I am looking forward to hanging when I am out in AZ towards the end of this month! PS. I just added you to my new and improved blogroll and site- you can check it out at Hope all is well!

Mark Roberts said...

thanks ron, we do have some good friends. I need to start my blogroll and you're definately on the list...I'm such a slacker.

Unknown said...

Two things:

1. I love the fact that making fun of Israel is part of your "set up". Working with you is amazing.

2. I have been thinking about our start time recently and this is what I have come up with. We start on time. Many communities have a place in part of their service to "meet and greet" or "fellowship" and we are no different. It is my belief that this is how we start every service, sometimes it is 10 minutes and sometimes it is 25 minutes. The point for me has been that our gathering does not begin when we start to sing, it begins when we start to talk with one another and hear what is going on in each others lives. What do you think?