Saturday, January 26, 2008

When is it my turn to win

Is it possible that I'm always wrong? To me, this would seem statistically improbable. But when ever I get in a fight with Jill, I always feel like it's my fault (at least 93% of the time). I'll admit that I'm probably in the wrong at least 51% of the time. But it's not possible to be wrong all the time. (I understand that in most fights each party is partially to blame, but usually there is one that is a little more wrong than the other. We'll reserve this discussion for fights where there is at least 70% wrongness on the behalf an individual.) I wish there were a magical trainer that could sit on my shoulder and tell me when I was know, to hold my ground. But when the bell sounds and we go to our seperate corners, I feel like my trainer is saying, "hey champ, you lost that round...and you lost the previous rounds as well. You're not looking good out there." And as I look across the ring I see my wife. Her trainer is rubbing her shoulders saying, "nice round, you look good. You've got nothing to worry about, he's way out matched." This is so frustrating. When is it my turn to win.

I remember my pastor growing up telling me that if I wanted a long happy marriage I should learn two words, "Yes dear." Screw that...that doesn't seem happy. God has wired us to be free thinkers and individually unique. That's what makes this thing so hard to reconcile. If a couple says they never disagree, it's either because they are lying or one person doesn't have a mind of their own. I appreciate the fact that Jill is an individual and a free thinker. It's one of the things I love about her. In fact, my marriage would be boring if Jill never challenged me. So I will conclude with this...Jill and I got into a fight and I don't know which one is right. I feel that I'm right at least 25% of the time, I just don't know what 25%. I believe my pride tells me that I'm right more frequent than what is reality. So maybe I shouldn't concentrate on the 25% of the time I'm right, but concentrate on the 75% of the time I'm wrong.

PS. I still think I'm right. ;)

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