Thursday, December 27, 2007

But There Was Always One

I can still remember when I was a kid waking up on Christmas morning. Usually it was around 4am when I would run to the living room and tear through my stocking. Nothing out of the ordinary, just the usual bmx magazine, skater stickers, and candy. It's the perfect remedy to hold over a restless kid for a few more hours. (my mom knew what she was doing) I would go through present by present separating out the ones that had my name on them. Part of the fun was the anticipation, guessing what each one could be. Then the moment was finally a reality, all the waiting and guessing would turn to discovery and excitement. But there was always present that would stand above the rest. One year it was my BMX predator, another year it was a Nintendo. Whatever it was, it provided endless hours of enjoyment. But as I got older the thrill would start to fade. Presents didn't provide hours of entertainment, I started to sleep in more, and my one special present had transitioned from a bike to a home depot gift certificate.

All of that to say, this year there was something I got that stood above the rest. It almost brings me back to the days of my youth. It provides discovery, excitement, and hours of entertainment. This is going to seem anti-climatic, but my special gift was a letter from my wife. My wife wrote me a letter when we were dating and I always kept it in my wallet. It stayed in there for years until it literally disintegrated in the leather. Every once in a while I would pull it out and read the words that revealed my girlfriend's love. Whenever I needed the encouragement the letter would always make me smile. This year my wife wrote me a new letter to go in my wallet. I'm sure I will read it hundreds of times like the previous, I'm sure it will fade over years, I'm sure one day it will be gone. But until the day my wife writes me a new one, it is the one present that stands above the rest.

I'm honest enough to share the down times in my marriage, so I want to be honest enough to share the good as well. Here is a portion of the letter:
"...You are the most loyal of friends anyone could have. Your core spirit of generosity is infectious and has changed who I am today. I love your talents and your constant striving for new things, that you are not afraid. I love that you will pass that amazing gift onto our children. I love the way you love our kids. (even when it's too much in their space :) ) Dylan knows that his father loves him with all that he has - what else does he need..."

Jill, I'm humbled that you would say such kind things to me. I love you for it.


kobie said...

ah, the bmx predator with the yellow paint job and blue pads? i had that one too. must have been the cool kids bike. and fast.


kobie said...

that was my comment (trav), not kob's


Mark Roberts said...

trav, that's the one, mine was special because it had white mag wheels. i thought i was the coolest.