Monday, December 17, 2007

Pet Peeve

I'm not a gambler. I play poker. That is my biggest pet peeve. Many people can't make the distinction because they don't understand the game. Even by writing about poker, many will think I'm a hypocrite and in desperate need of an intervention. Honestly, I don't like talking about poker in public. I fear that I'll be judged. Playing poker is not about being lucky, it's about understanding statistics and human behavior. The better you are at math and psychology, the better you will perform. Opening a new restaurant or being a day trader is gambling, what I do isn't nearly as risky. I told my mom that I pray that God helps me make good decisions before I play and she about had a heart attack. You should have seen the look on her face. I named my blog "as honest as I can be" and this is who I am. If you happen to remember, can you please not call me a gambler?

1 comment:

Jeremy said...

What's wrong with gambling? Risk/reward assessment is an important part of human learning and development. We all gamble in ways every day, especially Christians since many of the goals we sacrifice for aren't physically tangible.