Saturday, December 22, 2007

Interview #2 Nole

So my second interview is with my friend Nole Kennedy. Nole is one of my best friends...he's full of life and tells the best stories. Ironically we became better friends after he moved to Oregon. This interview is a long one...Nole doesn't give generic answers. And I wouldn't have it any other way. Enjoy, you might be next.

> Tell me about the moment when you knew you would marry carrie.
This is a really good question, and I don't know if there is a definite answer. I remember being on tour and the van braking down and being stranded in the middle of nowhere in Colorado. Carrie and I were talking on the phone and sorta got in an argument about me being away and tour and whatnot. As were were arguing and I sorta just felt like it was a turning point. Either we were going to break up right then or I was going to marry her. After our conversation, I took a little hike by a river and just remember crying at the thought of not being with her. It really rocked me to even think about it. I guess right then I knew that I had to be with her forever.

> Why the drums?
Actually, I really, really wanted to play the saxophone. When my mom went to the band meeting at my elementary school, she talked with the band director and learned that renting a sax was over $40 a month while renting a snare drum was $10. Knowing that as a hyper fourth grader I struggled to commit to anything for a long time, she opted for the cheaper instrument without my consent. When she came home and told me, I cried and cried and cried. But in thinking about it, how could I play anything but the drums?

> What makes you laugh?
Alot of things. The Office, Mitch Hedburg, my students, my wife. But overall, the thing that makes me laugh the most is sharing stories and memories with people.

> What makes you cry?
Alot of things. Extreme home make over, the war, missing my family/ friends, true to life movies. But overal, the thing that makes me cry the most is thinking about how lucky I am in life compared to so many others.

> What do you daydream about?
I day dream mostly about being a dad. It is really scary to think about for me, so I guess I am constantly thinking about what this going to be like.

> If you weren't a teacher you would be doing what?
If I wasn't married (and therefore wanting to be at home) I'd be a musician still. If I was married, but couldn't be a teacher, I guess I'd like to work as a music/movie critic; thought I know that would probably be unlikely. If I had to pick something likely, I'd probably be doing construction.

> What was your first impression of me?
This is a great question. I remember instantly liking you a lot; but honestly, I kinda remember thinking that your musical taste was limited. Looking back, I think I was really arrogant and thought I was so much better than everyone because I liked "underground" music and played in this really cool band. I guess I was kinda an a-hole.

> Why did we become better friends after you moved away?
Such a great question, and one I wonder about. I mean, we were friends before (hanging out at Journey, going out after church, and you married me and Carrie!) but I agree that after I moved we became even closer than before. I think that had to do with the fact that I really didn't want to lose you as a friend, so I just made sure to call you a lot. Also, I think that while I was in Phoenix, it was easy to not make a large effort to stay in your daily life because I knew that I would see you at church and whatnot. But now, living so far away, I know that if we don't make the effort, we wont see each other often enough to stay close friends.

> If you could make yourself change in one way, what would it be?
I think it would be my mouth. Not literally (though I do have huge lips), but figuratively. Sometimes I commandeer conversations and talk too much. I don't intentionally try be rude, but sometimes I look back at a conversation and realize that I talked the entire time and no one else got a word it. It sucks. Also, sometimes I can be very cutting and rude with my words, especially to Carrie. I hate that about my self.

> If you could go back in time and give yourself advice, what would it be?
To invest in an online poker site. No really, I think I would tell myself to try and learn to not talk so much.

> Tell me a funny story about teaching.
One day I got a new Pac-Man game for my work computer. I had read online that the top score was over a million points and I was determined to beat that score. So, decided to give my students busy work (that they could do in small groups) and set to demolishing that record. I literally played every minute of the every period. I was getting close to the high score, and just could not stop playing. Toward the end of the last period, my principal walked in the room to see what we were doing, but I was so focused on my game I didn't even notice. He walked around the room chatting with kids and seeing what they were working on. He must have been in my room for a full four minutes with out me noticing. Then he walked up to my desk (and could only see the back of my computer) and said, "Keep up the good work." And then he turned and walked out. I was shocked and couldn't believe that he didn't notice. I was about to get up and actually start teaching, but then I decided that the chances of my boss coming back in were slim to none, so I just keep on playing!

> If you were to write a love letter to carrie right now, what would the first two sentences be? You are my life. Without you, I simply could not go on.


Samuel Isaac Richard said...

I'm so bummed I was at the abbey while you were here, Nole. Alas, I pray that fate shall cross our paths one day...

Adam W said...

Mark, i love all of your posts (you've inspired my new years resolution of being deliberate with everything i say.) but this is my favorite so far. I am a huge fan and friend of Nole's and you captured him perfectly. And i love this concept of interviewing friends. Great work and Merry Christmas to you and your family.

Mark Roberts said...

adam, thanks man for the kind words. I'm inspired to play fantasy football again just to read all your message board trash talk.