Thursday, December 6, 2007

Interview #1 My Wife

So I've decided to do a series of interviews with the people close to me. I'll try to make them personal and interesting. Be email of questions might be coming your way. I thought I would start with the one closest to me. My wife

Full Name?
Jill Eileen Roberts
Age 30…almost 31
What did you want to be as a kid?
As a kid I wanted to be a nurse or counselor

Something that makes you laugh?
Dylan, usually at least once a day I crack up with him about something he says or does.

Something that makes you cry?
Our son Lincoln.

Something you day-dream about?
something I day dream about…this is a tough one, you know me mark…I’m not a dreamer…I’ll come back to this. Sadly enough I can’t think of anything, I guess that is why I am married to you…you dream extravagantly enough for the both of us.

First kiss?
my first kiss was you mark, unless you count when I was a little kid I used to kiss my one friends little brother to get them to leave us alone.

What do you regret?
I regret that I was and am too self conscious to try new things

If you were forced to move, where would you go?
if I were forced to move I would move to Portland

If you could change one thing about me, what would it be?
if I could change one thing about you it would be that you would pick up after yourself!

A smell that makes you smile?
a smell that makes me smile is eternity for men. You used to wear it in high school and it brings back good memories.

How did you know we would get married?
I knew we would get married as soon as we started dating because I felt safe.

Favorite wedding memory?
my favorite wedding memory is standing in the back behind the doors waiting to walk down the aisle with my dad. I was so nervous and excited.

Describe what it feels like to be in love?
what does it feel like to be in love…some days it feels amazing, like I couldn’t image life being any other way than it is at this very moment. It feels like security and full acceptance of who I am. Other days it is a choice. I know I am loved and that I love you…but sometimes I don’t “feel” like it.

Favorite picture?
the 2 favorite pictures that come to my mind off hand are for 2 different reasons. The first is one of you and Dylan wrestling on the bed in our arrowhead house. When I look at the picture I can hear the squeals of laughter and fun. The other picture is one of me holding Lincoln, even now thinking about it brings tears to me. Lincoln was crying and I was bringing him close to comfort him. It is a picture of perfect love between a mother and child…a lot of my raw emotions were captured in that picture.

What do you want for Christmas?
what I want for Christmas is a piece of jewelry that represents cadence.

1 comment:

Lewis Cash said...

Mark, what a great idea to do this. I love hearing/reading people's stories. Thank you, Jill, for sharing this.